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Character Profile - Lobo

The Main Man! Lobo!

Name: Lobo

Origin: DC Comics

Classification: Alien/Czarnian bounty hunter

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Powers and Abilities: Super strength, super leaping, super durability, invulnerability, super resistance to injury, super endurance, super speed, super reflexes, super agility, immortality, longevity, super immune system, regeneration, can create clones of himself from a single drop of his blood, capable of tracking anyone anywhere in the universe once he gets their scent, can touch intangible beings, often demonstrates toonforce - like abilities, immunity to telepathy, magic, and various other forms of attack, he can become a spirit and possess other beings, can survive in space, mastery of many forms of armed and unarmed combat

Attack Potency: Planet level+

Range: Thousands of kilometers with many of his weapons, prefers to fight at melee range though

Weaknesses: Vulnerable to various types of poisonous gasses, can be KO'd, always keeps his word (will strictly follow the letter of any agreement, while gleefully diregarding its spirit)

Lifting Strength: At least 1 septillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) tons

Striking Strength: At least 1 yottatonne (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons of force)

Durability: Planet level+, possibly higher (regeneration and immortality make him nearly impossible to kill)

Stamina: Limitless

Speed: Movement speed largely above peak human, but reflexes are FTL, on his bike he is largely FTL

Intelligence: Genius - level intellect, although you wouldn't suspect it if you met him. He is usually too drunk to use it properly, but he engineered a plague to kill his entire species (as well as making himself immune to it), he is capable of inventing and devising advanced technology, and even reprogramming Apokoliptian technology to trick Darkseid

Standard Equipment: A hook on a chain which is his primary weapon, it is made of an unknown material and can damage incredibly resilient targets, his bike, the SpazFrag 666, which can fly through space at FTL speed, responds to his commands, is semi-sentient and will only let him ride it (although it will let him carry passengers if Lobo allows it), it is equipped with many weapons such as lasers, projectile launchers, particle beams, missiles, etc. Lobo often carries various high - tech weaponry along with him, such as various guns, bombs, and even a time machine
